The “Save-The-Tiger” Belt
“For the cat person of conscience” comes the Save-The-Tiger belt. An essential accessory that pulls many a BR outfit together with a bit of an edge. I think it’s a beautiful belt that would be shocking were it to have an actual tiger tooth, certainly, but it feels like a missed opportunity not to donate to tiger conservation as part of the sale.
From the catalog: “Only 200 Siberian tigers survive in the wild today, and a mere three or four of the Javan species. There are 2,000 Bengals (but many live in zoos). The proud tiger, alas, is severely endangered. So our belt closing looks like a tiger tooth but is really 100% ecologically sound ox horn. The elegant, smooth-finished belt is top-grain cowhide that tapers from 3 inches wide to 1 3/4 inches. For the cat-person of conscience.”

I have this very same belt, and I’d been wondering how old it was. I stumbled across your blog while researching a completely different item and I was just thinking I’d search it for belt posts when I saw this, hah! Thanks!
Ha, that is cool. Nice store!
My godmother worked in the fashion industry buying / In management roles for department stores from the 60s til the 90s. After she died I discovered this belt among her fashion artifacts! Thanks for this awesome resource- it was fun learning about the history. I was a teen in the 80s and remember pouring through the catalog and shopping at the BR store in Houstons Galleria when it seemed like a boutique from Out of Africa. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!